Peace Scientists work for peace
If you are not actively working for peace, you are continuing war.
At home, in your community, in your country: are you at peace or at war?

Is your neighbor at peace or at war?

Peace is not about giving in to bullies and oppressors.

Peace can be won nonviolently, in fact, the only way to peace is through nonviolence.
Sunday Evening Talks
*7pm on Sundays.

October 20: Lebanon, Syria, Palestine

October 27: Reading from The Quaker Reader

November 3: Madres Contra La Guerra joining from Puerto Rico.
Talk scheduled for 7pm Puerto Rico time (6pm NY time)

November 10: Animal rights

November 17: Robin and Terry, from Fridays at Fettermans click here

Join the room 10-15 minutes before 7pm to make sure everything is working, Sunday Evening Talks start promptly at 7pm:

*Puerto Rico does not change its clocks, not for summer, not for winter. After November 3rd, Puerto Rico is one hour ahead of New York, so the November 3rd talk starts at 7pm Puerto Rico time which is 6pm New York time.

Quaker Fellowship and Silent Worship is online every Wednesday:

-5:30pm Philadelphia time:
greetings and fellowship
-6:00pm: silent meditation, silent prayer, messages if so led (could be a quote, a reflection, a prayer, a song)  
-6:30pm: any reflection that did not rise to being a message during silent worship, introductions, concerns, fellowship.

You are welcome wherever you are, this link will take you directly to the meeting

Meeting ID:  813 3180 5733
Passcode: 190526
Sunday Evening Talks:
Palestine click here
Light click here
Native Americans click here
Quaker history click here
Quaker writers click here
Quaker faith click here
Quaker practice click here
Quaker High School in Lebanon click here